Partner Email Signature
Widget Generator

email signature generator

Use this handy Email Signature Widget Generator along with your unique Partner Code to generate an email signature design widget to put on your website and attract new referrals.

Need your own Partner Code?
Partner Generator

Create Your Partner Gallery

Generate an embeddable gallery of email signature templates with your partner code.

Create Your Signature
Embed Instructions

How to Embed Your Partner Gallery

Follow these simple instructions to embed your signature gallery on your website using your preferred CMS platform.


  • Add an 'Embed' element to your Webflow page where you want the gallery to appear

  • Click on the Embed element settings

  • Paste your generated embed code into the 'Embed Code' field

  • Save and publish your changes

Note: Make sure to republish your site after adding the embed code for changes to take effect.


  • Edit your page or post in WordPress

  • Add a new 'Custom HTML' block

  • Paste your generated embed code into the HTML block

  • Update or publish your page

Note: If using Gutenberg editor, you can also use the 'Custom HTML' block from the 'Widgets' section.


  • Create a new 'Basic page' or edit an existing one

  • Switch to the 'Full HTML' text format

  • Paste your embed code into the content editor

  • Save the page to apply changes

Note: Ensure you have the proper permissions to use the 'Full HTML' text format. You may need to enable it in your site's text format settings.


  • Edit your page in Squarespace

  • Add a 'Code' block to your page

  • Click the 'Code' block and select 'Edit'

  • Paste your embed code and click 'Apply'

Note: The Code Block is available on all Squarespace plans. Make sure to save and publish your changes.


  • Create or edit a post/page in Ghost

  • Click the '+' button to add a new card

  • Select 'HTML' from the card options

  • Paste your embed code and save

Note: Ghost uses a card-based editor. The HTML card allows you to embed custom code directly into your content.


  • Go to Online Store > Themes > Customize

  • Add a new section using 'Custom HTML'

  • Paste your embed code into the HTML field

  • Save and publish your changes

Note: You can also add the embed code to specific pages using the page editor's HTML section. For advanced customization, you may need to edit your theme code.

Rescue your own clients from email signature stress.

FLYBY Signature
AUTHOR Signature
RAISE Signature
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What Other Partners Say

We have over 500 Partners actively recommending and promoting our email signature solutions to their own clients. Here's what they have to say.


Email signature rescue makes it really easy to set-up great looking signatures. We've been using it for more than two years now and recommend it to all our clients.

Sarah Johnson

When our clients requested branded email signatures was becoming a real problem for us, until we found Email Signature Rescue. Getting signatures to work correctly across every email client to just too time-consuming to be profitable. We've used Email Signature Rescue for over a year now and are very pleased with the platform, the number of templates available and the level of editability. It solved our problems and we can create better-looking email signatures for our clients. Win, win for us and our clients.

Michael Chen

After so many issues trying to get signatures right for clients I found Email Signature Rescue and I wouldn't even both trying to do one myself anymore have used the service twice for 2 clients and both times the emails have looked AMAZING! There is a bit of a learning curve but once set up it's super easy and customer support is excellent. I highly recommend!

Emily Parker